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Everyone needs to feel valued and appreciated. It enhances our self-worth and puts a smile on our face. John Maxwell, famous author and speaker, says it well,

“You add value to people when you value them.”

A majority of our correspondence with clients is usually over the phone or through email. Very little time is given either face-to-face or over video chat. Demonstrating effective customer service that shows appreciation for their doing business with you, is imperative to having them both refer you to colleagues and maintain loyalty with you and the company.

Consider implementing these simple strategies that will make them glad they have a relationship with you: 

1. Smile and greet every client by name. Whether it is a face-to-face meeting or just a quick call, show your client that you are glad they contacted you.
2. Use encouraging words and affirmations. Saying things like, “That is a great idea”, or “I’ll be happy to take care of that for you,” to let them know you are actually listening and care about their needs.
3. Send an occasional “thank-you” for their business. This doesn’t have to be as elaborate as a bottle of wine, although this may be a great gesture at certain milestones such as each year you have worked together or acknowledging a special occasion in their personal life. A simple hand written note card or gift card to their favorite coffee shop is sufficient.
4. Share their business on Social Media or in your office. Everyone loves free advertisement and no one better than your clients. It only takes a few moments to post a link to their website or SM platform while on your own. For a “storefront” business or office that others visit, display your client’s business cards or brochures for other visitors to take.

Letting your clients know that they are important and that you are happy to be doing business with them, builds a solid relationship that is certain to bring more business.

If you find yourself overwhelmed with all of the necessary but time consuming aspects of running your own business, contact us for a free Support Assessment to learn more about how we can partner with you to increase productivity and build revenue.


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